11月20日讯 热火篮球运营总裁帕特-莱利今日就雕像一事发布声明:
“One of my first messages to the team was ‘The 予荣誉journey of a thousand miles starts with our first step. Where it takes you, is up to us.’ And it took us to five championships in the 80’s with the Showtime Lakers. It was a hell of a journey and the fact that it’s ending up with the arrival of a statue is mind blowing to me. I’d like to thank Jeanie and the entire Buss family for this honor.”
11月20日讯 热火篮球运营总裁帕特-莱利今日就雕像一事发布声明:
“One of my first messages to the team was ‘The journey of a thousand miles starts with our first step. Where it takes you, is up to us.’ And it took us to five championships in the 80’s with the Showtime Lakers. It was a hell of a journey and the fact that it’s ending up with the arrival of a statue is mind blowing to me. I’d like to thank Jeanie and the entire Buss family for this honor.”
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